Business Type
Assumed Name
MN Statute
File Number
Home Jurisdiction
Filing Date
Active / In Good Standing
Renewal Due Date
Principal Place of Business Address
51802 176th Street
Lake Crystal, MN 56055
United States
Mailing Address
51802 176th Street
Lake Crystal, MN 56055
United States
Applicant Applicant Address
Thomas H Francis 51802 176th Street, Lake Crystal, MN 56055
Angela M Francis 51802 176th Street, Lake Crystal, MN 56055

Select the item(s) you would like to order:
Filing Date Filing Effective Date
1/30/2017 Original Filing - Assumed Name
(Business Name: All Seasons Services)
2/21/2020 Administrative Expiration - Assumed Name
3/26/2020 Annual Reinstatement - Assumed Name
1/9/2025 Administrative Expiration - Assumed Name
1/14/2025 Annual Reinstatement - Assumed Name
Filing Date Filing
11/27/2018 Annual Renewal - Assumed Name
3/26/2020 Annual Reinstatement - Assumed Name
1/1/2022 Annual Renewal - Assumed Name
12/31/2022 Annual Renewal - Assumed Name
1/2/2024 Annual Renewal - Assumed Name
1/14/2025 Annual Reinstatement - Assumed Name